Salam Ceria Semua.. :)
Senyum - Senyum selalu ye..

~Siapa yg suka sgt-sgt pd bunga rose sila angkat tangan mcm saya..!!~
waaooo.. (i'm shock !!) .. ramainya yg suka bunga rose.. tp semuanya ladies yg angkat tangan.. ummmm..
but why ladies ??.. i'm still no idea's to write down about it.. :P

Ok . How far do u know about roses ?. Dan siapa yg lebih arif mengetahui meaning of roses ?. Male or Ladies ?.
So, let me guess. Of course la Ladies yg lebih tahu tentang simbol dan maksud bunga rose. That i'm right ?. hehehe :)

As u know, the roses colours include white, red, yellow, blue, peach, and etc. Bnykkn warna bunga rose. Setiap warna bunga rose mempunyai simbol dan maksud yg tersendiri. Pernah kamu semua fikirkn tentang ini ?. Ahhha..
Mesti x pernah kn ?. ;)

~Ayuk kita kenali simbol dan maksud warna rose..!!~

~ Red Rose~
- The Lover's Rose -

Single Rose - "I love you but you are too young".
Dozen of Roses - represent an ultimate sign of love to the recipient.
Bouquet of Roses - symbol of love and unity.

~White Rose~
- Humility & innocence -
Single Rose -  “You’re heavenly".
Dozen of Roses - secrecy and silence.
Bouquet of Roses - bright and pure affection.

~ Purple Rose ~
- Love at 1st sight -
 Guys, jika kamu telah jatuh cinta pandang pertama. berilah si dia purple rose.

~ Yellow Rose ~
- expressing friendship & joyfull -
Single Rose - infidelity.
Dozen of Roses - joy and gladness.
Bouquet of Roses - "trying to care of u''. 
  • The meaning of rose flower colors can be interpreted in many ways. Rose flowers have always been very attractive and historical to many people. It even symbolizes virtue, optimism and hope to some people. More importantly, rose flowers will always play a significant role in our lives as humans in whatever time.

  • So i harap kamu semua menhargai setiap bunga yg beri oleh guys kepada kamu. Walaupun kamu tahu maksud dan simbol setiap warna bunga rose. Jgn kecewakn hati guys. kerna mereka xtahu maksud dan simbol bagi setiap warna bunga rose. :)
  •  Roses have been identified with love and passion since those times. Hope u guys, please enjoy your relationship. :)

2 kuntum bunga Rose utk Sara ! ^^:

aisyah thaqif said...

tnggu kawen nti nak suruh hubby kasi rose hari2 . haha . ermm , blog km x cntekk pon . tp , klau nk suruh km ajaq , no probs la kak :D

Unknown said...

dat great la cyg..hehe.. nt pokai poket hubby u tau.. :P ok.. mmg nk soh ajar pon.. tp nt2 la ye.. time yg free skit.. ok.?

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